Cel mai bun joc tematic

Special Meeple
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Re: Cel mai bun joc tematic

Post: # 44222Post adixor
30 Sep 2013, 00:06

dungeon lords
merchant and marauders
mage knight
tales of the aragian nights


Re: Cel mai bun joc tematic

Post: # 44662Post m4r1us
06 Oct 2013, 22:40

Earth Reborn
Mage Knight
Dungeon Petz
Arkham horror


Re: Cel mai bun joc tematic

Post: # 44667Post cristina
06 Oct 2013, 23:26

Twilight Imperium (Third Edition)
Earth Reborn
Runewars (English first edition)
Mage Knight Board Game
Dungeon Petz

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Re: Cel mai bun joc tematic

Post: # 44793Post tudorb678
08 Oct 2013, 11:25

Battlestar galactica
Mage Knight

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Re: Cel mai bun joc tematic

Post: # 44844Post Chuckila
08 Oct 2013, 23:24

In ordine alfabetica:

Arkham Horror
Descent 2nd Edition
Earth Reborn
Wat of the Ring 2nd Edition

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Re: Cel mai bun joc tematic

Post: # 44931Post VickdaReaper
10 Oct 2013, 12:20

In urma voturilor exprimate, urmatoarele jocurii au mers mai departe in faza de votare:

Galaxy Trucker (7)
Mage Knight (7)
Dungeon Petz (7)
Arkham Horror (6)
Twilight Imperium (4)
Runewars (4)
Descent (4)
Dune (4)
Battlestar Galactica (4)
Earth Reborn (4)

Eligibile pentru avansare, dar nepromovate au mai fost:

Cosmic Encounter (3)

Propuse, eligibile, ba chiar si promovabile, dar care nu au fost luate in considerare pentru ca nu sunt jocuri tematice (conform BGG):
Dungeon Lords
The Lord of the Rings The Card Game
Pentru board games sunt fidel cum era Castro pentru Cuba...



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