vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

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King Meeple
King Meeple
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vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

Post: # 70322Post DeeDee
27 May 2016, 10:00

Stipulations - The Party Game That Lets Your Negativity Shine

Cred ca e un format care merge jucat online via forum, si poate fi amuzant

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King Meeple
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Re: vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

Post: # 70356Post 26octombrie
28 May 2016, 00:56

ai tu jocul sau vrei sa improvizam? suna nostim foc :)

King Meeple
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Re: vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

Post: # 70380Post DeeDee
29 May 2016, 21:33

are ceva PNP -uri ce le-am downloadat, dar cred ca se preteaza la improvizat. La urma urmei, trebuie doar sa lovesti cu nenorociri pe un laudaros :)

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King Meeple
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Re: vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

Post: # 70398Post 26octombrie
30 May 2016, 13:47

pai hai atunci :D

King Meeple
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Re: vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

Post: # 70401Post DeeDee
30 May 2016, 16:03

Ok, deci, pe scurt:
Devise the least desirable condition to players' dreams, superpowers, occupations, & lifetime supplies.
A stipulation must (1) make the announcement less desirable, (2) be relevant to the announcement, and (3) not be repetitive with stipulations the player wrote in previous rounds.

Se pare ca am fost aleasa de guvern sa beneficiez de o mega superputere: pot sa respir sub apa!

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King Meeple
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Re: vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

Post: # 70403Post Haddeo
30 May 2016, 16:51

deevinnula wrote:Se pare ca am fost aleasa de guvern sa beneficiez de o mega superputere: pot sa respir sub apa!
Doar ca trebuie sa votezi cu PSD la urmatoarele alegeri
Last edited by Haddeo on 30 May 2016, 21:54, edited 1 time in total.
But what if they are creating the disaster within themselves?
Things are OK now but I never know when it's going to change.

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King Meeple
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Re: vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

Post: # 70408Post 26octombrie
30 May 2016, 20:20

deevinnula wrote: Se pare ca am fost aleasa de guvern sa beneficiez de o mega superputere: pot sa respir sub apa!
ar fi nemaipomenit!... doar ca asta inseamna doar ca poti colecta (inhala) instant parturile tuturor vietatilor marine de pe o raza de 1 km.

King Meeple
King Meeple
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Re: vrea cineva sa jucam stipulations?

Post: # 70416Post DeeDee
31 May 2016, 10:24

Mai bine as mirosi aroma de hering procesat din mii de decat sa votez cu PSD-ul :). La urma urmei, la un moment dat tot se infunda nasul, dar PSD-ul... n-o infunda niciodata.
Castigatorul rundei, si urmatorul la rand: Haddeo :)

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