Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

materiale fan-made: extensii, variante, imagini, tutoriale, player-aid-uri
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King Meeple
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Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68237Post Haddeo
10 Mar 2016, 23:27

Ladies of Troyes e out of print de multa vreme. Pe afara costa mult. Am avut ocazia sa-l iau cu vreo 150RON dar persoana s-a razgandit si eu imi doream sa-l joc.
Asa ca m-am apucat sa-l construiesc. Nu dati cu pietre... cum apare reprintul sunt primul care o sa-l cumpere.
In final munca se merita doar daca nu ai de unde sa cumperi jocul si chiar ti-l doresti, altfel.... o sa-ti para rau repede... mai ales daca trebuie sa cauti grafica, sa o cureti, sa lipesti bucati din mai multe parti, sa aliniezi , sa etc etc etc......

Cam asa a iesit... are destule componente:

Mini boardur-ile sunt lipite pe mucava

Asa arata alaturi de harta originala.
Ca si rampart guards am folosit niste discuri. Cuburi mari nu am gasit portocalii... asa ca ca merg si cele rosii :).

Cel mai greu a fost sa fac cartile, pentru ca sunt multe.. 50+ .
Si pentru ca sa nu se vada diferenta intre personajele secrete, le-am printat si pe cele 6 din jocul original.

Dar daca tot am facut extensia, am printat si cartile promo
But what if they are creating the disaster within themselves?
Things are OK now but I never know when it's going to change.

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King Meeple
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Re: Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68239Post DanielIndru
11 Mar 2016, 08:45

Din cate stiu, se retiparesc ambele (joc + expansiune) anul acesta.
Dar tu esti cu cateva luni in fatza tuturor. ;)

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King Meeple
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Re: Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68240Post Haddeo
11 Mar 2016, 09:10

Nu, au zis ca retiparesc baza. Despre extensie... au zis ca o mai tiparesc doar daca baza o sa se vanda bine. Si oricum, stiam de 2017, dar e posibil sa iasa si anul acesta baza.
But what if they are creating the disaster within themselves?
Things are OK now but I never know when it's going to change.

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King Meeple
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Re: Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68242Post DanielIndru
11 Mar 2016, 09:50

Anul acesta iasa baza.

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King Meeple
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Re: Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68243Post Haddeo
11 Mar 2016, 10:48

Pai erau zvonuri ca se mai lucreaza la o alta extensie si ca vor sa scoata un big box ceva... dar probabil doar zvonrui, pana nu avem ceva concret.
But what if they are creating the disaster within themselves?
Things are OK now but I never know when it's going to change.

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King Meeple
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Re: Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68244Post DanielIndru
11 Mar 2016, 11:10

Asta au zis pe Facebook:
Pearl games wishes you a very beautiful year 2016!
In regards to us, 2016 should be the year of the return of troyes (base game) and the first extension of Deus. The ladies of troyes follow if the base game is again well received.
We will also work on several "big" events for 2017.
We know that we can count on you to be curious, for fun and to look after yours!
Happy new year!

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Re: Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68245Post demontear
11 Mar 2016, 11:16

Ce hartie ai folosit pentru printarea cartilor?

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King Meeple
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Re: Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68246Post Haddeo
11 Mar 2016, 11:38

am folosit carton ordinar de 160g/mp. cartea finala e formata din doua bucati de carton lipite intre ele, una pt fata , una pt verso.
But what if they are creating the disaster within themselves?
Things are OK now but I never know when it's going to change.

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King Meeple
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Re: Inflatable Ladies of Troyes

Post: # 68269Post 26octombrie
12 Mar 2016, 12:42

arata splendid!

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